Friday, September 29, 2017

Nobility of the Worker

“I don't pity any man who does hard work worth doing. I admire him. I pity the creature who does not work, at whichever end of the social scale he may regard himself as being."
― Theodore Roosevelt

Great little quote, lets all get going and work at what we really desire in life. Dreams can all ways come true. Lots of LOVE to you all and keep slugging away.

With the Love of the Angels
Rev. Barbara

Thursday, September 28, 2017

The Power of the Will

“The difference between a successful person and others is not a lack of strength, not a lack of knowledge, but rather a lack in will."― Vince Lombardi

So every one lets get that 3rd. Chakra going and use your will power. Mix it with the knowledge - strength - most of all stir it up with Love and make a beautiful cake filled with lots of your energy towards your success.

With the Love of the Angels
~Rev. Barbara

Wednesday, September 27, 2017

We all Can be Teachers

Just as we’re all students throughout life, we’re all teachers. In fact, we learn best by offering what we desire for ourselves to as many individuals as we can, as frequently as we can.

Spiritual teachers have raised the vibrational frequency of their daily life to a point where they’re able to provide inspiration to others merely by their presence, and this is the standard to which we need to aspire. It isn’t necessarily a scholarly undertaking—there are no lesson plans or report cards for the kind of teaching I’m writing about. Rather, I’m talking about the things we can do each and every day to inspire our fellow humans:

  • Work on becoming more peaceful, and start noticing how you’re perceived by others. Practice daily meditation to become more peaceful, and then watch as others who previously engaged you in confrontation are less inclined in that direction. Decide for yourself that you’re an emissary of peace and that that’s precisely the energy you’re going to radiate wherever you go. By lifting your thoughts upward so that they resonate with the peace that divines your origination, you’ll automatically become a person who inspires others to do the same, without having to adopt any new strategies and with an absence of “effort” on your part.
  • Before speaking, consult your inner “truth barometer” and resist the temptation to tell people what they want to hear if that feels untrue to you. People do respect those who are willing to speak their truth, and even more, to live the truth they feel. This kind of person inspires me by being aligned with our place of origin, which is, of course, pure honesty. You can be this inspiring kind of a person by abandoning your need for approval and replacing it with authenticity and integrity.
  • Let everyone you meet know that there’s one thing about you that isn’t up for discussion: You are going to live your passion, and there’s absolutely no room for compromise on this point. Carry yourself proudly and show your enthusiasm in all of your waking hours. Be passionate about all of your activities, and keep reminding yourself that you will never elect apathy or ennui. Never! By refusing to concede this point, you’ll become a model for others to live out their lives in-Spirit. When I speak to audiences, I’m always aware that by my being in-Spirit and conveying this vibration to them, I’m offering everyone there an opportunity to do the same for themselves. When beginning speakers ask me for advice on how to become an in-demand lecturer, my answer is always the same: “Talk from your heart authentically and be enthusiastic.” Passionate, truthful communication is always inspiring.
  • Practice being generous as often as you can. Promise yourself to extend some kind of unexpected generosity to someone, preferably a stranger, every single day for two weeks. This will not only help you develop a habit of giving, but you’ll also discover how wonderfully inspiring your generous nature feels. The more you practice being charitable, the more you’ll impact others in an inspiring way. By letting others know that you’re willing to give of your time as well as your possessions, you’ll serve as an inspirational model. Who isn’t inspired by those who’re willing to share their time, money, and possessions? We name cities (San Francisco) for such people and we nominate them (Mother Teresa) for sainthood… you too can inspire by being a benevolent soul.
So become a teacher for those around you. It can be as simple as being the first one on the dance floor or just smiling at a stranger walking down the street.

Rev. Barbara

Tuesday, September 26, 2017


"When your heart breaks from grief, that can also be the time when your heart opens even more to love."

Shock is a natural reaction to change. It’s the first stage of grief which gives us a cushion while we slowly adjust to accepting the change. Even if you didn’t know Louise personally, it’s likely that you felt a personal connection with her, and that can still lead to shock and other signs of grief.

When new losses occur, it can bring up old unhealed grief about our previous losses. New grief can compound old grief. Signs of unhealed grief can include a change in eating or sleeping patterns, unstable emotions including bursts of anger, temptation to relapse into addictive behavior, and depression.

That’s why it’s important to take good care of yourself during the grieving process. Being extra-gentle with yourself, keeping your schedule simple, avoiding harsh situations, immersing yourself in prayer, and making quiet time, are examples of necessary self-care during the grieving process. Therapists who specialize in healing from grief and trauma, as well as grief support groups, can be tremendously helpful. Grief involves many emotions and thoughts, including survivor’s guilt, anger and blame. These aren’t pleasant emotions, but they need to be addressed instead of smothered over, or ignored. Prayer, journaling, and getting compassionate support can help you to heal from these intense-but-normal reactions to loss.

Grief, like all forms of earthly suffering, can lead to great healing and spiritual growth. Our broken hearts can have more compassion, and a greater ability to love deeply. We may be inspired to help others through their grief, to spend more quality time with loved ones, and to focus upon our true priorities.
Here’s a helpful prayer:

“Dear God, Thank you for holding my hand and sending your comforting angels to me during this time of transition. Please lift me up, and give me the strength to fulfill my responsibilities and priorities, and show me which activities to focus upon and which to release. Thank you for being with my loved one who crossed over, and reassuring me that they are with you in heaven. In Jesus name, Amen.”

In his sermon on the mount, Jesus said these comforting words: “God blesses those who mourn, for they will be comforted” (Matthew 5:4 NLT)

My prayers are with you, and with everyone whose heart is grieving. May we find peace and comfort in God’s love. To a better solution to grieving.

With the Love of the Angels,
~Rev. Barbara
The Salem Love Psychic

Monday, September 25, 2017

True Friends

“I think if I've learned anything about friendship, it's to hang in, stay connected, fight for them, and let them fight for you. Don't walk away, don't be distracted, don't be too busy or tired, don't take them for granted. Friends are part of the glue that holds life and faith together. Powerful stuff.”
― Jon Katz

You can pick your friends - You can not pick your family.

So friends, if they are true friends its important stand by them and they will stand by you. Sometimes we need to know that we can help them and be appreciated for it. Where family expect it and many times do not appreciate your help . So the old adage stand by your man, better still stand by your friend works even better.

With the Love of the Angels,
 ~Rev. Barbara
The Salem Love Angel

Saturday, September 23, 2017

A Great Teacher Has Went on Her Way

Blessings for a Loved Soul

Our beloved Louise Hay passed away on August 30th. She died peacefully in her sleep. It’s a time to grieve and to be grateful. I am deeply grateful to have met Louise Hay. I heard Louise tell her I CAN DO IT! audiences many times, “Here’s how I want to die! Healthy-Happy. Healthy-happy. Healthy-happy. Healthy-happy. Dead!”

Louise Hay is known as the Queen of Affirmations. Louise has beautiful affirmations all around her home – on her bathroom mirror, the fridge door, by her wardrobe, next to her computer, and close to the toilet seat! Louise doesn't just say affirmations; she lives affirmations. And her affirmation’s aren’t just words; they are practices. Here are five of my favorite Louise Hay affirmations.

Affirmation 1: “Good morning, bed, thank you for being so comfortable, I love you.” She once had a conversation where she thanked her bed for a great night’s sleep. Here’s an excerpt from Life Loves You:
“ 'Louise, you’re the only person I know who thanks her bed for a good night’s sleep,' I tell her. 'Well, I’m pleased for you that you’ve finally met someone who does,' she says. 'It’s not very normal, is it?' I jest. 'I’m not interested in being normal,' she counters. 'Normal is overrated,”'I say. 'I think so,' says Louise. 'So when did you first start to thank your bed for a good night’s sleep?' 'Oh, I don’t know,' she says, as if she’s been doing it forever. 'Was it 30 years ago, 40 years ago?' I ask. 'Once upon a time I used to wake up and think, “Oh shit! Another day!” she says with a big laugh. 'Now that’s a powerful affirmation!' 'Yes, and I’d have a shitty day!' she says."

Gratitude is an affirmation.  It sets the tone for your day. “My day begins and ends with gratitude and joy,” is another favorite Louise Hay affirmation and practice.

Affirmation 2: “I am a ‘yes’ person living in a ‘yes’ world being responded to by a ‘yes’ universe, and I rejoice that this is so.” Yes is the shortest affirmation in the book! Knowing what you want to say Yes to is key to your happiness and well-being. There’s so many Yes’s out there in the world; it’s especially important to recognize your Sacred Yes’s. Each day, in my morning spiritual practice, I tune in to my Sacred Yes’s. I place my hand upon my heart, and I ask my heart, “What would YOU have me say Yes to today?” I listen, take notes, and act accordingly.

Affirmation 3: “Everything I need comes to me in the perfect time and space sequence.” I was born with fast genes. As a young man, I lived my life on fast-forward. I was always ahead of myself. Always impatient. Always wanting to get to my future. My habitual impatience betrayed a lack of trust in life. I thought I had to do life by myself. I rarely slowed down enough to enjoy my life as it happened. I lived in the not-now, the nearly-now, and the almost-now. This affirmation by Louise helps me to experience what philosophers call Basic Trust – a recognition that life loves us. Saying this affirmation helps me to slow down to the speed of life, to be open and receptive, and to enjoy the journey.

Affirmation 4: “I forgive everyone in my past for all perceived wrongs. I release them with love.” I highly recommend you do one forgiveness affirmation a day for your mental health and spiritual being. If you only ever do one affirmation a day, make it a forgiveness affirmation. At the highest level, forgiveness affirms that the essence of who you are is whole, blessed, innocent, and untarnished by your biography. “We do not have to know how to forgive,” says Louise in Heart Thoughts, “All we have to do is be willing to forgive. The Universe will take care of the how.” Just for today (and then everyday after that), forgive the world for everyone, and set yourself free.

Affirmation 5: “I bless and prosper everyone in my world, and everyone in my world blesses and prospers me.” Louise has this affirmation on a post-it note in her car, by the gear stick. This is a perfectly balanced affirmation. It includes everyone AND you! Abundance is impossible if it isn’t for everyone. The key to abundance is to understand you can experience a blessed life, if you are happy for everyone (including your ex-partner, your nemesis, your shadow, the person you are trying to forgive now) to experience blessings too. I love this affirmation!

I know I speak for millions of people when I say “Thank you Louise Hay for your beautiful life. Thank you for being a true spiritual friend on the path. Thank you for the love, inspiration and grace you continue to flow our way.”
Life loves you!
~Rev. Barbara

Halloween in Salem

What is better than a reading in Witch City

OK everyone, Halloween is on it's way. We are now taking reservations for:

Looking forward to seeing you all!
Book your October readings online at

Also look for Rev. Barbara the Salem Love Psychic's new book Burnt Toast and Oranges coming out in October.