Saturday, September 23, 2017

A Great Teacher Has Went on Her Way

Blessings for a Loved Soul

Our beloved Louise Hay passed away on August 30th. She died peacefully in her sleep. It’s a time to grieve and to be grateful. I am deeply grateful to have met Louise Hay. I heard Louise tell her I CAN DO IT! audiences many times, “Here’s how I want to die! Healthy-Happy. Healthy-happy. Healthy-happy. Healthy-happy. Dead!”

Louise Hay is known as the Queen of Affirmations. Louise has beautiful affirmations all around her home – on her bathroom mirror, the fridge door, by her wardrobe, next to her computer, and close to the toilet seat! Louise doesn't just say affirmations; she lives affirmations. And her affirmation’s aren’t just words; they are practices. Here are five of my favorite Louise Hay affirmations.

Affirmation 1: “Good morning, bed, thank you for being so comfortable, I love you.” She once had a conversation where she thanked her bed for a great night’s sleep. Here’s an excerpt from Life Loves You:
“ 'Louise, you’re the only person I know who thanks her bed for a good night’s sleep,' I tell her. 'Well, I’m pleased for you that you’ve finally met someone who does,' she says. 'It’s not very normal, is it?' I jest. 'I’m not interested in being normal,' she counters. 'Normal is overrated,”'I say. 'I think so,' says Louise. 'So when did you first start to thank your bed for a good night’s sleep?' 'Oh, I don’t know,' she says, as if she’s been doing it forever. 'Was it 30 years ago, 40 years ago?' I ask. 'Once upon a time I used to wake up and think, “Oh shit! Another day!” she says with a big laugh. 'Now that’s a powerful affirmation!' 'Yes, and I’d have a shitty day!' she says."

Gratitude is an affirmation.  It sets the tone for your day. “My day begins and ends with gratitude and joy,” is another favorite Louise Hay affirmation and practice.

Affirmation 2: “I am a ‘yes’ person living in a ‘yes’ world being responded to by a ‘yes’ universe, and I rejoice that this is so.” Yes is the shortest affirmation in the book! Knowing what you want to say Yes to is key to your happiness and well-being. There’s so many Yes’s out there in the world; it’s especially important to recognize your Sacred Yes’s. Each day, in my morning spiritual practice, I tune in to my Sacred Yes’s. I place my hand upon my heart, and I ask my heart, “What would YOU have me say Yes to today?” I listen, take notes, and act accordingly.

Affirmation 3: “Everything I need comes to me in the perfect time and space sequence.” I was born with fast genes. As a young man, I lived my life on fast-forward. I was always ahead of myself. Always impatient. Always wanting to get to my future. My habitual impatience betrayed a lack of trust in life. I thought I had to do life by myself. I rarely slowed down enough to enjoy my life as it happened. I lived in the not-now, the nearly-now, and the almost-now. This affirmation by Louise helps me to experience what philosophers call Basic Trust – a recognition that life loves us. Saying this affirmation helps me to slow down to the speed of life, to be open and receptive, and to enjoy the journey.

Affirmation 4: “I forgive everyone in my past for all perceived wrongs. I release them with love.” I highly recommend you do one forgiveness affirmation a day for your mental health and spiritual being. If you only ever do one affirmation a day, make it a forgiveness affirmation. At the highest level, forgiveness affirms that the essence of who you are is whole, blessed, innocent, and untarnished by your biography. “We do not have to know how to forgive,” says Louise in Heart Thoughts, “All we have to do is be willing to forgive. The Universe will take care of the how.” Just for today (and then everyday after that), forgive the world for everyone, and set yourself free.

Affirmation 5: “I bless and prosper everyone in my world, and everyone in my world blesses and prospers me.” Louise has this affirmation on a post-it note in her car, by the gear stick. This is a perfectly balanced affirmation. It includes everyone AND you! Abundance is impossible if it isn’t for everyone. The key to abundance is to understand you can experience a blessed life, if you are happy for everyone (including your ex-partner, your nemesis, your shadow, the person you are trying to forgive now) to experience blessings too. I love this affirmation!

I know I speak for millions of people when I say “Thank you Louise Hay for your beautiful life. Thank you for being a true spiritual friend on the path. Thank you for the love, inspiration and grace you continue to flow our way.”
Life loves you!
~Rev. Barbara

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