Thursday, February 22, 2018


I was sitting at my desk, trying to figure out what I was going to write about in this week’s newsletter. Nothing was coming to me, so I decided to meditate for 20 minutes and see what came up. When I meditate, or distracting thoughts come to mind, I think of the statement “How may I serve?”

I came up with this statement after watching my buddy Dr. Wayne Dyer meditate on the same question—“How may I serve?”—before he went out on stage to speak. I figured if it helped him speak as well as he did, it can’t hurt me any...

After meditating, I thought of a couple of ideas to write about and wrote those things down for possible use in the future, but none of them seemed right for today. So I went on Facebook, and the first thing that came up was a blog by Gabby Bernstein. In it, she discusses watching Louise Hay’s movie You Can Heal Your Life 12 years ago, when she had been sober for 1 month, trying to figure out what to do with her life. She was enjoying the video until she heard Wayne say the words “You will see it when you believe it.” After that moment, her life was changed forever.

I then went to YouTube and decided to get a little Wayne motivation for myself. I clicked on a video of someone asking Abraham (Esther Hicks) what Wayne was up to now that he had transitioned to the other side. His response to that question was that he was “Never better.” Then, he said through Esther, “I wrote a book with the best title ever: You’ll See It When You Believe It.” When I heard that, I decided it was a sign that I needed to pass this on to you all.

I don’t know which of you reading this needed to hear this message, but I am sure at least one of you did.

Then Spirit went on to say, “Your work is to let your desire flow and then find a way of practicing your desire. Practice it into such pleasantness that is the easiest momentum that you feel, and then the universe will back you up” (as an FYI, Gabby’s bestselling book is called The Universe Has Your Back). Ballard Chelle also shares another important point: 

That it is wonderful to attempt to manifest things in your life, but that you must find a way to be happy before the manifesting occurs to get into the vibration of achieving your desire, and then it will come to you more quickly. 

Spirit also adds that the universe does not hear your words, the universe hears your vibration.
Wayne was a master manifester because he always followed his own advice and believed it was going to happen before it did. He believed in the power of the universe to help him make it happen, even if he didn’t know how to achieve it himself.

Love, Sharing, Caring, connecting with Spirit are the way to fully connect and Create all that you want.

With the Love of the Angels,
~Rev. Barbara
The Salem Love Psychic

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