Wednesday, April 4, 2018

The Way of Inspiration

"It’s important to note that whatever is needed to fulfill our calling is part of the present process. Arthur Miller, who was perhaps the most accomplished dramatist in the U.S., is an example of a man who knew this. In an interview late in his life, he was asked, “Are you working on a new play?” Mr. Miller’s answer went something like this: “I don’t know if I am or not, but I probably am.” This delightful response suggests that Miller’s writing came from inspiration—that is, something other than ego spurred him on.
By contrast, highly motivated people have a kind of ego determination driving them over obstacles and toward goals—nothing gets in their way. Now, most of us have been taught that this is an admirable trait; in fact, when we’re not accomplishing and demonstrating drive and ambition, we’ve been told to “get motivated!” Lectures, books, videos, and audio recordings abound that preach that all we have to do is dedicate ourselves to an idea with actions designed to make it a reality. This is a beneficial approach for a different level of accomplishment—but what we’re exploring in these pages is what leads us to precisely what we’re meant to be and do . . . our ultimate calling.

If motivation is grabbing an idea and carrying it through to an acceptable conclusion, then inspiration is the reverse. When we’re in the grip of inspiration, an idea has taken hold of us from the invisible reality of Spirit. Something that seems to come from afar, where we allow ourselves to be moved by a force that’s more powerful than our ego and all of its illusions, is inspiration. And being in-Spirit is the place where we connect to the invisible reality that ultimately directs us toward our calling. Often we can identify these inspired times by their insistence, and because they seem not to make sense while at the same time they keep appearing in our consciousness.

If we ignore inspiration’s powerful attraction, the result is personal discomfort or a sense of disconnection from ourselves. For any number of reasons, we might be resistant when we feel called to create, perform, visit a foreign place, meet someone, express ourselves, help another, or be a part of a cause. Inspiration is a calling to proceed even though we’re unsure of goals or achievements—it may even insist that we go in the direction of uncharted territory.

Throughout various stages of life, inspiration is the thought or idea reconnecting us to the energy we were part of prior to becoming a microscopic particle. I call this “surrendering to our destiny and allowing ourselves to hear the call.” At this point we can differentiate between the demands of our ego and those of the ego-dominated people and institutions that deflect us from the call of inspiration. As we move more deeply into Spirit, we cease to be guided by the ego demands of others or ourselves. We surrender to the always-present force that urges us to be in this blissful state of inspiration. We’re guided by our ultimate calling, which is truly our life purpose."
From the Master Wayne Dyer Words of Wisdom

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